My last post was all about what I find disconcerting about all things 'general' Aussie male. Maybe it has left you thinking " what the fark do you like,MM?"
The fundamentals of honesty,sense of humour,kindness etcetera are important to me. The rest comes with getting to know someone (which is why internet,on line stuff will never really work for me). Meeting someone has to be a more organic process and if we say looks don't count, we are really kidding ourselves.
A lot of the time it involves nice guys wearing the wrong clothes and I will be the first one to tell you, I am a snob in that area (see previous blog). A picture tells a thousand words-as they say-so here's a few pics to show you what I mean;

However, decent hair do's work for me. If you're losing it, don't try to over compensate by growing a ponytail. Ewww on so many levels.
STYLE- Me encanta mucho!
Something to think about... :P
Indeed it is! Lively up yourself mon!
3 hours till wine o'clock- off to Summit for a vino with a collegue then home to watch The Changeling. Povo weekend indeed.
Alas the hair is a bit short for a brill induced flick over. I should channel my old mans hair do!
Not long to beer o'clock here. xmas function zzzzz
Hope you enjoy the povo weekend!
You should do whatever you feel DB..
So you've decided on the Christmas fuck-tion after all? Oh well- free booze is free booze!
I've got 2 Chrissy parties on the same night- work one and my go go class one at the good old Bella Bar at Trades Hall!
I'll get into the free booze at our party from 7 till 8.30 and then head to Trades... good times!
free booze will be the highlight of the evening!!
2 functions in one night! yikes wonder woman I hope you have your drunken dancing shoes to get from one to the other?
I'll be fine- I'll also be stuffing finger food down my throat like a front end loader!
Keep up the water consumption and all is well. I've got it covered.
Can't wait to dance up a storm. I was still recovering last year so couldn't shake my money maker the way I wanted to... this year though, I can!
BTW I'm tipping the quiff will make a comeback next year- start growing your hair!
Hey Mags,
Well finger food at an xmas party can be over rated and under eaten resulting in more drinking and drunken punters.
True but anything that stops the getting too drunk too quickly process at a party will do.
How did you Christmas drinks thing go? My friend and I got rat arsed on Yellow sparkling at their extended happy hour.
Needless to say, Saturday was a low key, stay home affair!
The xmas drinks thing was ok. Had a fair few but was more merry than rats arsed.. wish I knew where you were so i could have taken advantage of you in a drunken state! (only kidding).
I headed home at about 9:30pm as I was up and going on saturday morning for the trip to brisbane. Cracked the first one at the Melbourne airport at 10:30am
Ah good old HOTD... I have a policy never to drink before midday.
I've just found a whole bunch of original cocktails from the sixties on the Mad Men site. Will be having cocktail hour more often now!!
As much as I generally hate bourbon, I love Old Fashioned's..
Ahh yes I was reading over the weekend about a famous cocktail maker who was reinventing a lot of the classic old style cocktails and bringing them back into vogue.
As for the HOTD.. More like an early start to a marathon day.
You love old fashioned's.. Now why does that not suprise me?
The modern world has no style. I like slow food,cocktails mixed and made from scratch,people with manners and courtesy and being with people who embody all of the above.
As the great Coco Chanel once said "a woman should be 2 things-classy & fabulous" and "fashion fades but only style remains the same".
And do you know what Mags - There is nothing wrong with that!
SO you would not be offended if a man was to open a door for you?
No why should I be? It's a nice thing to do. God knows I've had enough of them shut in my face!
I open doors for everyone.
I always make a point of thanking men who do chivalrous things and let them know that it's nice that gentlemen still exist. Hopefully it encourages them to keep going and let their mothers know that all that brow beating didn't go to waste...
Ha ha true. I think that I am a gentleman in the way I conduct myself. Well I try to be anyway.
I do not see how people can get far in this world by being assholes.
Hey at least you try. Some people are like a turd in someone's drink.
Arseholes get what they want because they bully the weak with fear.
Fuck them I say!
Of course I try. I would open the door for you I know that much!
Fuck em indeed! If they want to live lonely lives with no friends and end up writing letters to the herald sun then let them have it.
The 50/50 column is so embarrassing. I bet it was started with staff writing phony letters and they tapped into some serious pockets of humanity..
It drives me to drink.. which is the only thing I like about it!
It is concerning the mental state of people in our community when they pen such things
Then again, if it weren't for the Hun, what would we use to line the kitty litter tray?
Louie loves taking a bozz on Bolt's face. Good boy... trained him well.
How does Bolt look with a 'dirty sanchez'?
I bet Louie is not alone with that dream!
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