Monday morning and feeling a bit introspective.
Woke up this morning feeling very uninspired. If it wasn't for Louie practically clawing my face to be fed, I may have made that phone call so that I could remain in bed doing nothing until midday. Decided Louie shouldn't suffer for my malaise so I got up and made a coffee after placating my cat with dead roo.
I got dressed then sat down to enjoy my coffee and began thinking of everything that's going on at the moment. The panic I was feeling is beginning to subside. I'm still angry and hurt but it's simmering rather than boiling. My pot does not runneth over. I feel as if I'm glimpsing a universe that has possibilities and opportunities, rather than the usual feeling that life is against me and full of booby traps.
I finally got myself out the door and strapped on the iPod for company. Flicking through the selections I settled on 'Pet Sounds' by The Beach Boys. Loving the twee beauty of 'Wouldn't It Be Nice' and 'Dont Talk-Put Your Head On My Shoulder' and the sublime 'God Only Knows', I really listened to the lyrics of 'I Know There's An Answer or Hang On To Your Ego;
"I know there's an answer/I know but I have to find it for myself"
Hardly a revelation I know, but it just seems fitting for my life at the moment. I know I could never compare my little life to that of Brian Wilson but I can relate to his opting out of life and just wanting to stay in his PJ's and not leaving his bed. I've spent time off work, staying in my jim jams and hardly moving off the couch due to a combination of fear and self loathing. Brian Wilson at least spent that time creating great music and it was during this time that he created the musical genius we know as the Pet Sounds album.
I guess I've always hoped that someone would come along and solve all my problems for me. The older I get, the worse the problems get and it's become evident that that 'someone else' just isn't going to happen. I have a long road to travel and I'm taking no prisoners, just myself. I've set up the support system and it's all going to work out.
This is my song at the moment... this song really speaks to me..
I keep looking for a place to fit
Where I can speak my mind
I've been trying hard to find the people
That I won't leave behind
They say I got brains
But they ain't doing me no good
I wish they could
Each time things start to happen again
I think I got something good goin' for myself
But what goes wrong
Sometimes I feel very sad
Sometimes I feel very sad
(Can't find nothin' I can put my heart and soul into)
Sometimes I feel very sad
(Can't find nothin' I can put my heart and soul into)
I guess I just wasn't made for these times
Every time I get the inspiration
To go change things around
No one wants to help me look for places
Where new things might be found
Where can I turn when my fair weather friends cop out
What's it all about
Each time things start to happen again
I think I got something good goin' for myself
But what goes wrong
Sometimes I feel very sad
Sometimes I feel very sad(Can't find nothin' I can put my heart and soul into)
Sometimes I feel very sad(Can't find nothin' I can put my heart and soul into)
I guess I just wasn't made for these times
I look at that vinyl cover and wonder how that has anything to do with surf music.
one of my fav things was to buy a new cd, unwarp it and read through the booklet while listening for the 1st time. Sadly with i-tunes the record companies do not put the time or effort into them anymore.
Brian Wilson heard the Beatles' 'Rubber Soul' album and wanted to make an album as good as it. It's now Paul McCartney's favourite album.
Well there is no doubt that Brian Wilson's musical genius is up there amongst the best.
Amazing journey that he took the beach boys on.
But I guess if you compare it to the progression of the beatles..
Hey I blogged my comment above. Thanks for the prompt.
No worries DB.. and yes, Brian Wilson is a true genius. Imagine how crap they would have been if it was left up to Mike Love? He's creepy too.
Yep. no arguments there. But like most genuis types he lost the plot a bit.
And what's wrong with losing the plot?
The Plot Loss Queen
nothing at all when in the appropriate situation.
Should I refer to you as the PLQ??
You may... but only on Tuesdays.
Damn. Will have to wait until next week now. Why on on Tuesdays?
It's the first day of the week that I can actually handle anything.
Ahh so Monday's are a big no no then?
No... no Mondays... Me no gusta el lunes nada!
you don't do mondays.. I think I get that. My spanish consists of only a few phrases including Dos Cerveza per favor
I just said ' I don't like Mondays at all.. dos cervezas por favor is a good phrase to know.
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