Call me elitist but I don't think I like the idea of a Ramones/Quiksilver merger. Saw this as I got off the tram yesterday;

Hey Ho... let's not go. Jetty Surf and the Ramones taste clumsy on my palate. Joey would be turning in his grave.
However, Dee Dee would be grateful for the extra money for smack- if he hadn't already OD'd.
Nooooo! Get real. Now every snotty 12 year old will wear Ramones gear around and think they know about them.
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Exactly... a Ramones t shirt is a badge of passion- not a fucking fashion accessory.
I have a Ramones T shirt because I know their music,love them and have seen them live.
Arturo Vega didn't create that logo to be worn by cretins.. unless they of course do the Cretin Hop!
I was lucky enough to see them at the 1994 BDO. That was a very good day.
Saw them there too.. no one like the Ramones.
I agree. Definately old school.
Hey maybe I saw you there? Ha
I was the one coming down off an acid trip from the night before (true).
right.. I did see the poster on fri night in high st northcote and had to shake my head..
Shake away... it's a travesty...
I felt like ripping them down but hey there were people around and I was carrying a pizza from my fav pizza place.
They'll be covered over in no time and this whole horrible mess will go away.
You are indeed a man with priorities. Save the pizza at all costs.
Might even venture there this Saturday night.
Where are you venturing on sat night? High Street?, Northcote? or FLOP?
I think High St... I want to go to that place that was a shoe store but has fabulous pizza and a bar.
Joe's shoe store is the name of the place. You order food from the menu and they get it from Pizza Meine Liebe next door (second fav pizza place).
Where is your fave pizza place? And what, pray tell, is FLOP?
fav pizza place is For the Love Of Pizza (FLOP). It is on high street north of seperation street almost across the road from the northcote RSL.
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