Monday, November 09, 2009

The House Of Sick

Don't come to our house- there's an ill wind that blows no good (as the old jazz standard says). I woke up on Saturday morning feeling like total crap. I went as far as Vinnies in Mason St and went back home to bed. Spent the rest of time riding the gravy train. Moved my old carcass to the couch and stayed there all night watching telly. I better have lost weight. Woke up yesterday morning feeling better, just weak from all the lying around I'd been doing. By last night, I was feeling great. Then my housemate,Sarah starting doubling over, saying her guts were giving her grief and then spent the rest of the night driving the porcelain bus. We've been trying to assess what has made us both feel so crappy. I think mine was due to my overindulgent evening on Thursday. As for Sarah, it could have been the crap coffee we picked up on the way to the market or all the fruit she sampled at Little Saigon market. Then again, we were watching Australian Idol at the time which says a lot....


dam buster said...

Gee lucky I didn't visit! That is not good. I would be thinking the fruit could be a likely cause.

Lola Lopez said...

I was feeling a bit wicky after a few slugs of that coffee which makes me think it was a combo of both. She finished her coffee. Mine was so bad I gave up. Otherwise Sunday night would have resembled a Bloodhound Gang gig.

dam buster said...

ewww not good. And on a weekend too!

To quote Homer Simpson "What are the chances of getting sick on a weekend? A million to one".

Lola Lopez said...

Well seeing my sick leave is almost down to zero, it was preferably to be ill on the weekend. I might need one of those sick days to buy shoes or something equally as important!