Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Newport, New Beginnings?
"Sometimes I feel like a motherless child, a looooong way from hoooommme"...
That old negro spiritual seems to befit me of late. I've been living like a hobo since my return from Buenos Aires and it's really giving me the shits.
I've just finished my week in the 'Burg and am supposedly moving to my new digs in Newport. Problem is, the person who is meant to be gone is not. He's taking his sweet ass time about finding a place of his own and it's driving me nuts. Sarah will be in Sydney this weekend and I'll stay there to look after her dog. I'm assuming he will still be there. Maybe I should just say "Hi, I'm Maggie. Now get the fuck out!" Wonder if that would work? Perhaps not.
Some people dream of winning lotto and never working again. I dream of my own room, a bed and a cupboard to put my clothes in. As they say, the simple things in life are often the best. I'm sick of living out of frigging suitcases and various other bags- I want a wardrobe goddamn it!
Okay, enough of the negative crap. I don't want to dwell in that neighbourhood.
Caught up with Caroline, one of my tango friends last night which usually consists of us going for a pedicure. Tango and tango shoes do untold damage on the footsies so regular maintenance is necessary. Post pedicure, we took our thonged feet to a bar on Chapel St (classy as) where they
served a rather nice house red for $3.00 a glass! After 2 glasses and a D and M, we trammed it down to Victoria St where we met my friends Contessa and Mr Ian for some rather tasty Vietnamese food. Caroline had to dash early to get her bus (we are kindred spirits at the moment- both of us are 40 somethings living at home with our mums due to inability to find decent housing) and I stayed and had a great catch up with Ian and Tess. They very nicely drove me back to Coburg and I flaked out on the couch due to much food and 4 glasses of wine!
I think I'm becoming a lightweight in my old age... then again, 2 glasses of red on an empty stomach isn't a great idea!
Looking forward to watching what I feel will be a great game for the Grand Final. I'm going for the Saints. I feel more of an affinity towards them than the Hand baggers but I feel the Cats will not rest on their Abletts this year. Also looking forward to frocking up and heading out to Messaround and Bama Lama- last time I went I was jetlagged to the max so I want to try and go all out this month! It's such a great night! Fantastic music and a room full of well dressed people-I love it!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Is There A Point To This?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Another Year Older & Just As Loved

It was my birthday yesterday and I'm another year older. My knees hurt.
I ended up spreading birthday celebrations across the whole weekend! It became that way due to friends wanting to spend it with me but unable to see me yesterday so this is how it panned out;
FRIDAY NIGHT: Decided to have dinner and drinks at the Edinburgh Castle as it seemed to be a good night for everyone for a birthday celebration. It was also my friend Jim's CD launch so it meant bringing a few more bodies for support. Jim was fantastic and I got to see a few people that I hadn't seen in ages. Post CD launch, a few of us trundled down to the Retreat for an excellent night of booze and boogie-ing to the likes of the Pixies,Clash,Pogues,Specials et al. Happy days. Jo and I crawled back to her place at 2.45am and crashed. After 3 weeks of couch surfing, a bed was a welcome relief.
SATURDAY: Jo and I woke the next morning feeling rather seedy so a good greasy breakfast was needed. After a coffee at home and a good shower, we got in the car where she shouted me breakfast at my favourite breakfast spot, El Mirage. Steve,Cathryn and Thanh were there having breakfast as well. We were all craving the 'Gringo' -poached eggs,tex mex beans,bacon and cottage potatoes- YUM. Not to mention one of the best coffees in East Brunswick.
After that, Jo dropped me back home where I had a kip on the couch as I was muy cansada (knackered). After consuming (snarfing) a divine roast cooked by my lovely sister, I dollied up and headed out to attend 'Milonga Para Los Niños' - a night to raise funds for an orphanage being built in Argentina. I'd love to say I had a kick arse night but if it weren't for the presence of Sabrina,Ralph,Melanie and a few others, it would have been a bit of a downer. It was nice to frock up in my latest vintage frock purchased from an antique store in San Telmo, BA , give my new red hair a 40's style 'do and wear my outstanding tango shoes from Gretaflora but besides that, lack lustre. Was glad to get home and crash on yet another couch-this time, Mel and Pepijn's.
SUNDAY: Woke up to find Baci staring at me with those huge eyes of her's. She has the squeakiest meow of any cat I've ever known. Mel and Pep got up not long after that and after cleaning up and having coffee, we headed to Brunswick St for brunch at the Provincial where we met up with the Buenos Aires posse and a few other friends for a lovely afternoon. Said goodbye to Ralph and Sabrina and headed back to Richmond to pick up my stuff from Mel & Peps before making my way to mum's for birthday dinner. After that, my sister dropped me off in Coburg where I have begun a week long houseminding stint. Hallellujah! Just me and the cat being lazy till Friday! I do like the northern suburbs. If it doesn't work out with Sarah in Newport, I'll definatly be looking for digs there. Me gusto mucho.
Here we are again on Monday. I'm feeling good and positive about this week. Going to try and keep it low key- no going out until Saturday night. Mess around and Bama Lama on the same night and I want to go to both. Should be a rip snorter!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Ch Ch Ch Changes
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Back In Slack
All good things must come to an end. Yes folks, I have returned from BA and now sitting at my desk in grey old Docklands, looking at Etihad Stadium and not really knowing my arse from my elbow.
I'm tired, still slightly jet lagged, at the tail end of a cold and still living out of suitcases due to my still homeless situation. I'm couch surfing at my sister's and I'm already getting sick of it. Time to find a place to call home, even if for only a short while. I need a bed and a wardrobe.
I've come back to a pile of work so this is just a blog to let you know where I am. I'm trying not to be sad about leaving Argentina but I have to admit it's hard. I will start to throw myself into new endeavours and seek new opportunities. There's no point being morose and besides, I can always return which I plan to do. This time I'll be armed with more cash and the Spanish language. Both help a lot.
In the meanwhile, I'll get my brain back, a room with or without a view and get my life back on schedule.
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