What the world needs now is not another cliched and predictable movie.
I rented 'He's just not that into you' on Sunday night on the recommendation of friends who generally have credible film tastes. All I can say about it is, I've seen it and I never have to watch it again.
For those who have not seen nor wish to, here's MM's synopsis of said fillum. Characters include Gigi, the stalker chick who has a date with Connor who cuts their first date early to be with Anna who wants to be with Ben, a married man who is married to Janine because she said 'marry me or else'. She believes she is lucky in love. Then there's Beth and Neil who have had the long term relationship - Neil doesn't believe in marriage and Beth breaks up with him because she does. Gigi meets Alex the bar manager at his bar whilst stalking Connor. He becomes her confidante and adviser in all things male ("if he says that, he's blowing you off"). Mary does the advertising for a magazine in which Connor is her major client. She is having a cyber relationship with Jude who 'my spaces' her- the gay boys in the office advise her that this is the 21st century 'booty call'.
I think you can surmise from this description where it's all gonna go. Verse, chorus, verse..
All I can say is, thank god I watched 'Milk' first. Great film about a great man with a vision and message of hope.
Let's 'hope' all films of 'He's Just Not That Into You's' calibre will go away and die the cruel death it deserves.
Oh and if anyone can help me get that 90 minutes of my life back, I'd be most grateful.
zzzzz zzzzzz
wake me up when it is over please.
Anything with that chick from friends in it should be melted down and used as door stoppers.
She was actually one of the only okay things of that film. It was everyone else that I wanted to kill.
ou are kidding me? She only knows how to really play one role. I guess the movie is right up her alley then.
I didn't mind 'Along Came Polly'-especially Phillip Seymour Hoffman's character who requests they bail the party because he 'sharted' is hilarious.
ok well you can have her. She lost it on me after she stopped wearing bras in friends.
Well she doesn't have that much to uplift by the looks of things.
Ah no. I can see why Brad went for a bit of Angelina action.
That's because bad girls are better!
Actually I was observing Scarlett Johanssen in that fillum and she's pretty divine looking even for blonde.
Scarlett is hot! Well she was in the girl with the pearl earring.
She was in this fillum and Vicki Christina Barcelona.. perfect body,perfect lips. She just needs tattoos now!
Sounds like you have a girl crush MM!
Nah not on her. Just admiring her beauty. The love of my life,Lloyd Cole is touring again in November so my crush energy is reserved for him.
Ahh Ok.. Well I know I wouldn't knock Scarlett back!
Nor should you DB! I'm sure in the right situation I wouldn't either...
phew MM - You and Scralett together.. Could I get tickets to see that?
Enough of that please. It's so cliched I could vomit.
oh ok.. well I guess I will tell Ms Johanssen not to bother visiting then! :P
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