I've only just seen this film over the weekend and I have to say I was duly impressed.
If anyone saw the documentary on
SBS a while ago on Real Dolls and men who have relationships with them, then this will be familiar subject matter. What impresses me is how the writer and director of this film dealt with the particular subject matter.
The story is about Lars, a shy and extremely introverted man who lives in the garage of the home he grew up in with his older brother and his sister-in-law. He goes to work, he goes to church but seems to live a life of solitude. That is until one evening, he announces he has a 'visitor' and asks to bring her to dinner. The visitor is Bianca, a life sized doll. Lars begins living with her as if she is a real person, speaking for her and making sure she is looked after. Gus and Karin are at first shocked and overwhelmed but with the help of their doctor, Dagmar (the fabulous Patricia
Clarkson), they begin to try and understand Lars and Bianca. The community embraces her and helps her
assimilation as if she is one of them.
This story could have gone down a few paths. The logical part of you starts laughing at the stupidity of it all but as the story moves on, your compassionate side opens up and you begin to see the
kaleidoscope of colours that this film shows you. It shows you that men who adopt this pattern of living aren't necessarily scary and perverted, despite the strangeness of it all. It shows that people can be loving and understanding and show great compassion when it is really needed. The character of Lars is a combination of sad,strange,sweet and
lovable. The film never once reigns any judgement on his or
any one's character. I have to admit, I had a bit of a teary when the credits rolled.
MM's rating- 4.5 stars. Me likey.
I have seen that doco as well on SBS and some of the dolls are so lifelike it is unreal.
Anatomically correct as well I do believe...
Another doco that kinda freaked me out is the one on 'object sexuales'-I think it's called 'I married the Eiffel Tower'.
It documents 3 different women-one who falls in love with a carnival ride, one who falls in love with a church organ and then a fence and a woman who first fell in love with her bow and arrow, then married the Eiffel Tower and fell in love with the Berlin wall.
On the real dolls there is a website where you can go and check them out too. Somehow I doubt my work IT will let me go there though!
What the? I must have missed that one.
I did see the one about the brothel in the Carribean where these pommie freaks go and hang out with the women for days and then move to the next one. Each of the guys were disgusting
I doubt that too! I wouldn't even attempt it here- too embarrassing!
Come to think of it, I can't even bring myself to look at it at home.
People pay around $5k USD for one.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to have a bad relationship with a live woman?
Haven't seen the doco you mentioned but it sounds bad. I remember watching the The Annabel Chong Story' and I sobbed afterwards. It was so depressing and her self loathing was hard to watch.
not wrong about the $5k.
There are a few ripping good ones on the X+Y series on SBS and then there are some more seedy ones that show how tragic the sex industry can be.
I sometimes catch the movies afterwards and you know you are in for a good one when you have nudity before the opening credits.
Now now- you know I can't do perversion on Mondays!
I'm a bit of a doco junkie and have seen a few of those docos. Heartbreaking.
What so all talk regarding any sexual contact has to be held over until tomorrow?
Yeah some of the docos are very sad that way. That one I mentioned before it had some haunting scenes of the workers expressions when they knew the john was not able to see them, compared to how they acted with them.
You can view parts of that 'object sexual'doco on YouTube.. let me know what you think.
As for the rudey talk, you know I'm shy....
Alas the IT here does not allow access to You tube either. Wonderful hey?
You, shy? somehow I doubt that!
Well I thought you could do so at home. We can't use you tube or any social networking sites at work either.
I thought you'd be used to my sarcasm by now!
well I better check it out at home then.
pfft. I think I have yout sarcastic ways worked out.. But hey i am still up for suprises.
Surprises even... rrrrrrrrrrrr
I type too fast for spell checking.. :P
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